About PReStival
Fr. 28.08 | Sa. 29.08.2020 | 19.00 Uhr | SOZO Halle 2, Grüner Weg 15-17
Die drei PreS-Künstlerinnen haben ihre einjährige Residenz genutzt, um in viele Richtungen zu experimentieren.
Ihre Arbeiten sind durch sehr eigene Stile geprägt. Sie haben sich einander angenähert, aber auch immer wieder das Andere gesucht. Das finale Experiment ist ein Festival – PReStival – bei dem sie an zwei Abenden dem Publikum die folgenden Möglichkeiten bieten möchten, Stücke zu sehen, Performance-Installationen auf sich wirken zu lassen, und zu feiern!
Damit endet der zweite Zyklus von PReS ...
Genießen Sie das mit uns!
Choreografie/Konzept: Gabriela Branco, Juliá Iwanaga, Tuija Lappalainen
Seating capacity for both evenings will be significantly reduced.
Reservations under info@sozo-vim.de
• What fits in a cup of tea?
Performance Lecture
Julia Iwanaga's performance lecture invites the audience to travel along her research journey from the emptiness and the Japanese philosophy of MA to her work with body and voice. On this route, she found her place in spaces-between body and sound, inside and outside and between one cup of tea and another.
Researcher and performer: Júlia Iwanaga
Acknowledgements: PReS, SOZO Visions in Motion, WUK and Galerie Kollektiva.
From the artist, Gabriela Branco, two performances, Inneffable and t r a p p e d, were created following the same practice procedure - to intersected the personal aspect of the performer with the social-political aspect where the performer is from. In both creative processes, the artist applied her movement research, Body States Through Memories, which is based on Klauss Vianna Technique (Brazilian dance technique).
• t r a p p e d |
As a Brazilian artist immersed in a foreign country, my dance performance reflects the deepest of this experience. Into a bigger panorama, social-political matters guide my research since 2017 with emphasis on my roots whereby I am driven to seek the unspoken and forgotten Brazilian history. The homeless gestures; the worker’s gaze; the struggle for dignity as a Brazilian citizen, from the perspective of a woman and artist surrounded by patriarchy and colonized society. The remnants from the Colonial period, as the most famous Brazilian meal Rice&Beans, overflow my current work in process as my desire to understand where
were women, who were them and why do they continue to be a minority in the federal/state/municipal government in Brazil.
Direction, Choreography & Performer: Gabriela Branco
Sound advisor: Werner Moebius
IMAGINE A POOL is part of the ongoing research by the Finnish dance maker and theater artist Tuija Lappalainen, developed during a year of Artistic residency in a frame of PReS at SOZO Visions in Motion. The basis of the work is in a choreographic practice developed during the research that investigates performers perception, experience and freedom. IMAGINE A POOL is a multidimensional performance about processes of researching, tracing and defining the routes and an ecology of the practice itself as the place to be, in a solo-dance format. Through two distant shared simultaneous solo exploration processes and sharing views from the diving into place of not- knowing, IMAGINE A POOL unfolds the poetic landscapes of the processes of searching and navigating in perceptions.
Concept and choreography: Tuija Lappalainen. With and from: Aura Antikainen
Performed by: Tuija Lappalainen and Aura Antikainen
• Ineffable
From darkness to the sparkle of fire. A force that needs to arise from humanity to the awakening. Generative force. Woman faith. A soft cry from women to mother earth which holds the wisdom that behind a black hole there is not an end. There is a new beginning. A new cycle. The remnants in your body bring light to a latent intuition that behind the veil of illusion which masks a perfect frame, there is a deeper reality. The resilience is invoked through time and space, from each history detail, from each memory that echoes in the skin and exhales a body state. Traces are left, motions are reborn. The beyondness still strikes a balance.
Direction & Concept: Gabriela Branco
Choreography: Gabriela Branco & Christa Stöffelbauer
Performer: Christa Stöffelbauer
Audio recording: Brief passage from Rosa Auer's memories book
Soundtrack: Otava - Konstellaatio
Eintritt: 15€ | wem. 10€
Resevierungen unter info@sozo-vim.de